Inspire me

The swirls of snowflakes from the cottonwood trees twirled around me as the breeze made its way around my body. The gentle trickle of a fountain in the middle of the otherwise static pond, gently moved the remnants of cotton that had made its way to the ground.

I took in a deep breath, soaking it all in.

The orange rocks masterfully hid behind the trees, slowly emerging as the sun awakened. The vortex of the Cathedral Rock let her presence be known in the middle of two boulders.

The sound of laughter, warmth of hugs from friends and smell of freshly made soup nourished my soul.

I just arrived back from Sedona for my annual retreat with my Ellivate Alliance sisters.

For four days, we worked on our businesses and replenished our spirits, seeking inspiration and golden threads for what could be next in our entrepreneurial adventures.

There are few places in the world that quiet my soul and energize my spirit in such a way. Sedona is one of them. The energy of the red rocks serves as a natural amplifier, accelerating and strengthening whatever you bring into the sacred space.

During my retreat last year, I received clarity that it was time to retire from my public accounting career. This year, I didn’t have anything in particular that I was seeking.

Rather, I wanted to celebrate coming full circle, reconnect with my sisters and be open to what my soul wanted to say.

Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.

With each quiet evening under the stars, and moments of reflection near the grand tree that provided shaded reprieve for our retreat sanctuary, my soul slowly offered glimmers of new beginnings.

My heart has been pulling me towards something the last few months and during my retreat, it became clear that my spirit is longing to create, or rather, co-create a transformational experience with my five-year-old daughter. An opportunity to deepen connection, strengthen nervous system regulation and tap into the playful energy of a child through a mother/daughter experience.

With Mother’s Day on the horizon, it feels soulfully aligned.

After my desert retreat, I was reminded of the value of play and connection in evoking wonder and helping us get unstuck.

As a mom to a five-year-old, I hear every day “mom, will you play with me?”

Sometimes I am excited to take a break and swing on the swings or have a dance party. But many times, I have felt interrupted by the forced pause from the activity of crossing items off my to do list.

But when we stop to play, to move our bodies, and to change our scenery, it helps our brain unlock new neural pathways. New connections form, new ideas emerge, and new insights are formed.

I love to ask my coaching clients “what would your five-year-old self do?”

It helps free them from the veil of adulthood and tap into the joy of childhood. And it’s amazing how quickly they can respond with what they need in that moment.

What evokes wonder and play in you? What does your five-year-old self need today?

I’d love to hear your thoughts below.

For, the world needs who you were made to be.


Find your community


Finding courage to walk away