What is Soul Ignition?
I’m six weeks into retirement and I’m discovering that unwinding a high-intensity career isn't as straightforward as anticipated. Each Friday, I must remind my brain that I don’t need to organize each hour of my week based on whether it’s billable or not.
Charting a new path is an adventure I’m excited to embrace, even though fear does try to whisper in my ear from time to time since I don’t have the next few years fully mapped out. Oh, how my brain likes structure and predictability, and this new path is a bit of making it up as I go.
Yet, amidst the uncertainty, there's a beacon guiding my path — the practice of Soul Ignition. This might sound like coach-speak or a bit “woo” but let me explain.
Soul Ignition is about reconnecting with the core of who we are, tapping into our inner knowing, and unleashing our unique gifts in the workplace and beyond. It's not about religion but rather about embracing the spiritual dimension of our being often overlooked in the pursuit of productivity. As a soul igniter, my goal is to help give people and companies permission to explore this human element in the workplace.
What does it look like in practice?
Picture a workplace where individuals are encouraged to slow down, tune into their intuition, and express their authentic selves freely. Imagine teams collaborating with a sense of purpose and creativity, fueled by a deep understanding of their own (and each other’s) strengths and passions. That's the essence of Soul Ignition in action.
I understand there may be skepticism surrounding the integration of spirituality into the workplace. However, Soul Ignition transcends religious boundaries; it's about honoring our humanity and harnessing our full potential. By creating space for authentic expression, we cultivate environments where individuals thrive and organizations flourish.
Ready to embark on your Soul Ignition journey?
Start by setting aside moments for reflection and introspection amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. Incorporate mindfulness practices into your routine, such as meditation or journaling, to deepen your connection with your inner wisdom. Think back to your childhood days and reconnect with some of the creative exploration that brought you joy.
And remember, it's okay to dream BIG and EXPERIMENT with what feels true to you.
Join me in exploring the transformative power of Soul Ignition. Share your thoughts below on how incorporating this practice could make a difference in your life and work.
For the world needs who you were made to be.