What does it mean to express your soul at work?

Sometimes when we make a big shift in our life doubt can set in, wondering if we made the right choice. Our thoughts can swirl when our destination becomes less clear.

I’ve had a few moments the last few weeks where my brain has felt overwhelmed, and I’ve struggled with staying focused. I’m trying to remind myself that I am only a few weeks into a grand new experiment and adventure. I don’t have to figure it all out at once. I just have to start.

And recently, I have noticed many small “glimmers” or affirming moments that confirm that I am beginning a new journey to express my own soul in my life and work and that yes, I am on the right path.

These include powerful moments of connection with former colleagues or new friends that have shown me that when I am able to authentically connect with others and support them in being their boldest, truest self, I am living my purpose.

As part of these interactions, some have asked what does it mean to express the soul and is it appropriate to do so at work?

I would argue that the premise behind organizational efforts to increase belonging is to help employees feel comfortable bringing their full self to the workplace, which I believe is naturally aligned with soulful expression in its truest form. 

For me, expressing my soul at work often comes in the quiet solitude of writing – whether it’s a short blog post or a scene from my manuscript. Writing has always been an authentic way for me to express my soul.

But expressing the soul may look different for you.

When we feel the freedom to truly be ourselves and tune into our inner wisdom, there is a calmness in our spirit that allows us to operate in our higher self.

What does your soul want to express in your work?

I’d love to hear your thoughts.

For the world needs who you were made to be.


When we remove the soul from work, can we get it back?


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