Picturing Possibilities

As we step into the final weeks of the year, it’s the perfect time to reflect—not just on the ups and downs, the wins and the challenges—but also to visualize the year ahead. What does your ideal 2025 look like?

Visualization has been a game-changer in my life, helping me leave behind what no longer served me and pursue what truly called to me. Even in the most impossible situations, visualization has been my bridge to freedom.

It might feel a little uncomfortable to imagine your ideal future and believe you can invite it into your life. But neuroscience backs this up: every time you visualize something, your brain believes it’s real, creating new neural pathways that make achieving it more possible. Back in my ballet days, I would close my eyes and envision a flawless performance, imagining the joy and pride I’d feel afterward. Athletes swear by this technique—and so can we.

This week, my networking group practiced visualization exercises, and I encourage you to take a few moments for yourself and reflect on these questions:

  1. What would bring you joy this year, this week, and today?

  2. What does your ideal future look like one year from now?

  3. What matters most to you in the year ahead?

When I reflect on my hopes for 2025, I’m inviting in more opportunities to write and connect with my writing community. I’m also looking forward to more opportunities to teach leadership to emerging leaders (because that’s also my jam).

Above all, I want to be fully present to savor each milestone moment on the horizon. So much has been quietly brewing beneath the surface for years, and 2025 is when many of these moments will come to light fully. My hope is to meet each moment with gratitude and joy.

I’d love to hear your reflections—let’s cheer each other on.

For the world needs who we were made to be!


Give everyone an inspirational experience


The courage to speak my truth